Make us a part of your
motherhood journey
Motherhood is a wild ride. One moment you’re feeling calm and in control. The next you’re collapsing in an exhausted heap. Each stage of motherhood presents its own set of joys and challenges. That’s why our products are specially designed to support you through pregnancy, breastfeeding, toddler wrangling and beyond.
Based in Australia, we provide a range of premium food and hydration products expertly developed by a naturopath, nutritionist and midwife. But we’re so much more than a nutrition company. We’re a community of mothers and health professionals who genuinely care about creating a world where mums feel seen, supported and celebrated for all that they do and all that they are.
Hi, I'm Aliza
The midwife and mama behind the Franjos Kitchen brand.
I’m a registered midwife and perinatal mental health specialist. But my greatest role is being a mama to my gorgeous daughter (and son on the way).
I knew from the age of 15 that I wanted to spend my life helping women navigate the rollercoaster of motherhood with knowledge, care and empathy.
Two businesses, a podcast and a baby later, I’m loving the path I chose. Becoming a mum in 2023 taught me to trust my intuition.
That intuition brought me here.
As the CEO of Franjos Kitchen, I’m on a mission to help mums and their families live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives through superior nutrition and sound advice. When I see the difference we are making, I know there is nothing else I’d rather do.

Our Story
Incredible things happen when mums collaborate. We’re proof of that. In 2012, Fran and Jo, a lawyer and a naturopath, met at the traffic lights while pushing their prams. An hour later, they had decided to create an all-natural, no-nasties biscuit for breastfeeding mums.
The natural next step? A product collaboration of course.
In 2021, Bumpnbub collaborated with Franjos on our motherhood hydration powder. The success of the product, along with Aliza’s knowledge, energy and entrepreneurial spirit made it clear that she was the perfect person to guide Franjos through a new era of growth. In July 2023, Aliza took the reins to help us nourish and support as many mums as possible.
Little did they know that 200 orders would grow into a thriving brand recommended by health professionals all over the world.
Enter Aliza. As a midwife and owner of Bumpnbub, Aliza kept hearing about these magical biscuits for mums. When she looked at the ingredients and the community Franjos had created, she went from impressed to obsessed.
Our Values

We prioritise the highest-quality, natural and organic ingredients, ensuring every ingredient serves a purpose. Our focus is on whole foods that support the wellbeing of mothers and babies.
Our products and brand is backed by health professionals who are experts in their field.

We commit to creating only functional, results-oriented, problem solving products. We use only essential ingredients that provide real benefits, without filters or additives, directly addressing the needs of mothers.

Our commitment to sustainability is integral and has remained since the brand's conception. We use only plant-based ingredients, meaning fewer gas emissions and more sustainable practices. Our goal is to continually improve in this space.

At our core, we're a community-focused brand, dedicated to supporting the journey of motherhood and all the turns we know it can take. From fertility through to raising children. We create products and spaces that empower and unite mothers, acknowledging the shared experiences that parents have.

Recognising the multifaced nature of maternal health, we support the physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing of mothers. Being owned by a mum and midwife, who as specialised in perinatal mental health - we know that motherhood is never straight forward. We accept you where you are.