Expert Nutrition Tips for Improving Conception and Preparing for Pregnancy
When trying to conceive, there are a few things I like to focus on to not only improve maternal health prior to pregnancy, but to also increase the...
Hydration in Motherhood; from Pregnancy to Breastfeeding and Beyond
From pregnancy to the whirlwind of breastfeeding and juggling daily life, it’s no surprise that you’re often tired and thirsty.
Midwife Shares Tips on What to Do Before Trying for a Baby
Preconception care revolves around improving health and limiting risk factors to help achieve a healthy pregnancy, with flow-on effects to the child/ren. There is substantial evidence...
Where to Shop our NEW Mixed Berry Motherhood Hydration Powder
Hey mamas, The rumours are true. Our O.G. hydration powder has a sister!🙌 She’s bright, she’s berryfull, and she’s here to show dehydration the door. After the...
Part 3: What to Expect in the Third Trimester
This is the final trimester, with most of your baby’s development already occurred, they are now putting on weight and growing bigger and stronger preparing for life in...
Part 2: What to Expect in the Second Trimester
The second trimester is the middle part of the pregnancy, classified from 13 weeks pregnant to 26 weeks. Many mamas begin to feel more energised as they transition...
Part 1: What to Expect in the First Trimester
Your body is about to undertake an incredible process of developing and growing a baby from a microscopic egg and sperm. Many changes will occur during pregnancy, some...
Why is Hydration so Important During Pregnancy, Labour and Breastfeeding?
Water is needed for a variety of physiological functions and is essential for survival. A huge proportion of your body is made up of water, helping...
Pain Relief Options in Labour, from a Midwife
Labour can be varied; you may describe the pain to be manageable while others could need strong pain relief. Pain is subjective, meaning it is personal and experienced...
Recipe: Energy Boosting Smoothie Bowl
To help boost your energy (and support your milk supply), we'd like to share our favourite delicious, wholesome, vegan, super easy to make smoothie bowl recipe
Baby's Movements are SO Important in Pregnancy. Why?
Movements matter, a lot. As I midwife, I talk about the importance of your baby’s movements, at every appointment after 24 or so weeks, with every mama. The reason...
Natural Methods to Coping with Morning Sickness
Morning sickness or nausea, may be one of the first signs you feel before you find out you are expecting. Luckily, there are some natural ways to manage this...