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self-care for a busy mum

8 Simple Self-love Acts You Can Slip into Your Busy Day!

I vaguely remember the first few weeks after I brought my daughter into this

I was sore, exhausted, confused, questioning what the heck I had gotten
myself into and of course completely smitten with our little miracle.

The days slipped away and the evenings were often crazier. My former,
somewhat carefree, life was but a distant memory.

Over the course of the initial months, my exhaustion levels peaked, my patience
waned and my “I’m over it” levels grew and grew. What I lacked and desperately
needed was some Me-Time. Me-Time that I was so used to grabbing whenever I
felt like it pre-baby.

It wasn’t long before I realised I had to get imaginative with self-love acts and
create space for Me-time. I needed to blow off the feeling of guilt because when
we, as mothers, feel great the rest of the household seems to run a whole lot

+ Mindful cup of tea

Mindfulness is being in the moment, non-judgemental, non-doing, just being
present. Having a mindful cup of tea is taking the time to grab a cuppa, and
purely just focusing on what you are doing at each step of the tea making
process. Then enjoying every sip! Oh and don't forget to add a delicious Franjos Kitchen cookie, go on you deserve it. 

+ Affirmations – in the shower.

Affirmations are a wonderfully empowering and calming technique which can be
used anywhere at any time.

Affirmations are purely present tense phrases that make you feel good.
For example: I am full of love and support myself // Making time for me is vital for
my relationship with myself, with my baby, and with my partner // I wake feeling
refreshed and happy // I listen to my bodies innate wisdom and respect myself.
I print out my affirmations and place them on the outside of the shower so I can
read whilst having a shower (this means I'm doing two jobs at once!). That little
space I carve out for myself centres me and helps me start the day on a positive note.

+ Sunshine where possible

Vitamin D is vital for a healthy immune system and aids building up resistance to
many diseases and illness. So grab your mindful cup of tea and sit outside for 5
to 10 mins soaking up the rays.

+ Meditation

Meditation has many proven benefits including lowering blood pressure and
decreasing your chances of developing cancer and heart disease. Meditation is
also an amazing tool for reducing stress and connecting back with you. There are
thousands of free guided meditations online, or check out to see if someone runs
local meditation classes, which can help you feel calmer, centred and more at peace.

+ Schedule in exercise or move your body whenever possible

Moderate exercise has been shown to boost mood, improve sleep and reduce stress. My daughter and I got into a little habit early on of going for her short afternoon nap in the pram. It meant I got a walk, got some sunshine, felt grounded and sometimes ran some errands.

+ Where possible allocate daddy for nappy duties, or bath time, or similar

When my daughter was very young hubby was assigned the role as primary
bather & bottom changer (when he is home). We were suggested this by our
midwife as it’s great one on one time for daddy and bub to develop their bond. It
also means that’s one or two less jobs you have to do and gives you a little space
and respite!

+ Microsleeps

I know everyone says it, and I know you have lots of housework or what not to
do, but honestly, you will feel so much better for just a 20-minute sleep when bub
is asleep. Even if you only do it once or twice a week it helps offset the
compounding effects of reduced night sleep.

+ Hot Bath

Baths are proven to relieve stress by up to 70%. Even if you aren’t a bath person,
give it a go. Put on some relaxing music, dim the lights or put on some candles,
add a few drops of essential oils to the bath and tell daddy he is in charge of
bubs.. then hen sink into that bath for as long as possible. Even just 10 minutes
will relax you no end and give you some space.

This blog post was written by our dear friend Catherine Toffolon - Holistic Life and Soul Coach


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