We recently ran a competition
We recently ran a competition https://www.facebook.com/ahealthymumpage to win some Tanker Toppers. One of the conditions to enter was to provide a “Tip for a new Mum”. There were so many amazing entries and I wish that every new Mum had an opportunity to read them.
Having a new baby, especially your first, is such an overwhelming time. While you’re pregnant you have a whole lot of ideas about what having a baby will be like, most of them picture you cuddling a baby, gazing at them lovingly and gently rocking your pram while you spend hours chatting with girlfriends at cool cafes. Then the baby actually arrives and it’s like a 4 kilo mini dictator has invaded your world. They are there, depending on you, every second of everyday. The weight of the world is on your shoulders, you have to feed them, love them, clean them, clothe them and not completely ruin their lives. It’s pretty overwhelming. And don’t even get me started on the washing.
The winning entry from the competition was:
“Enjoy your little one, embrace the mess, enjoy your hubby being a daddy, enjoy your new family- everything else falls into place!!”
It really is (or should be) as simple as that. All the issues you face (putting aside for a moment more serious health etc issues) will be resolved, either through time, trial and error or a magic solution. Embrace the time with your new baby and focus on the now. Enjoy it. Enjoy your husband or partner’s new role as a parent. Enjoy your new dynamic as a family. Everything else will fall into place.
Newbornhood is over so quickly. Savour every second.
Some other wee gems from the comp:
- Follow your baby's cues. No one knows what your baby needs more than they do
- Never feel you have to justify your motherly actions/instincts to anyone
- Remember that each stage is momentary so charge through the difficult times and cherish every amazing minute with your baby.
- Feel free to share your baby with family & friends ... As a new mum it can be overwhelming at times but the more love & cuddles Bubs gets from others frees you up to rest, even for a minute. And who doesn't love a freshy!
Photo themountainlaurel.tumblr.com