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Lexis breastfeeding journey

Lexi's breastfeeding journey.

We have been totally overwhelmed

By the responses we've had to Fran's heart felt blog post on her breastfeeding journey with baby number 2. 
Lexi, one of our lovely customers shared her story with us. It really highlighted to us how important it is to find a good lactation consultant to help in those early days if things don't seem right as it seems that often tie's are not picked up in the hospital, particularly lip ties. 

Lexi wrote:

Fran, I read your article on your breastfeeding journey and it hit so very close to home for me.
Despite seeing numerous midwives, nurses, doctors, our paediatrician and a hospital lactation consultant my son’s lip and tongue tie & high palate wasn’t picked up until he was 10 weeks old when finally I saw a private lactation consultant whom picked it up within 30 seconds. I too would get myself so worked up and anxious every time I had to feed my son and would cry when he did. It was like torture and was pure hell. 
We got his ties revised but it took until he was 6months old for me to be able to feed him pain free. Sometimes I wonder how I ever got through it. I was a broken person and I didn’t realise it but had postnatal depression. 
We went on and continued to fight more battles trying to get things sorted for my son. Eventually we were given the diagnoses of reflux, colic, non-IgE allergy to dairy and salicylate sensitivities. This combined with a child whom barely slept for the first 18months of his life due to these issues I can’t believe we got to where we are today. He is a happy 2.5yr old (whom only weaned in January) whom is a funny, caring and sweet boy. He is my world and I’ve learnt so much and will apply all I’ve learnt to any other children I have.
I have also learnt of a gene mutation that explains a lot of the issues - it’s called the MTHFR gene mutation. I am going by applying all of the changes to my lifestyle and diet in the hopes of minimising any issues with other children I have. 
Thank you again for sharing your story it is something that needs to be talked about and I am glad you told your story.
For anyone who feels they need help, or may have some of the signs of postnatal depression, please talk to someone about your concerns. 
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